Karachi: Baloch Human Rights Organisation (BHRO) chairperson Bibi Gul Baloch has claimed that at least 113 mutilated bodies were found dumped across Balochistan last year.


Revealing details of the annual report compiled by the BHRO at a press conference at the Karachi Press Club on Tuesday, Gul Baloch said that during 2016 scores of military operations were carried out in the province`s insurgency-hit south-western parts and that 32 people had gone missing after being "arrested by the law enforcement agencies".

The report included data about the people who went missing, those whose bodies were found in Karachi and south-west Balochistan, and those killed during military raids and operations, reports the Dawn.

The bodies of Moham­mad Hanif Baloch and Younus Baloch, who went missing from Pasni in 2013 and 2014 respectively, were also found.

The BHRO chairperson also said that bodies of political or non-political activists were found throughout the year.

Citing the data collated through media reports, statements of law enforcement agencies and verbal accounts of the people of Nushki, Kalat and Mashkay, Gul Baloch claimed that 89 deaths were reported in April after more than 58 operations and raids had been carried out in the surrounding districts.

"In the first week of April, four mutilated bodies were found in Awaran, two in Mashkay and one in Jaahoo. These men were taken from their homes," she said.

The report also showed that 106 people were released in the year, who according to the BHRO chairperson, had been kidnapped in various districts of south-west Balochistan.

"As a result of the constant arrests and harassment at the hands of the security forces, 2,578 people migrated from Kohlu, Hoshab, Heeronk, Shapuk, Balgatar, Awaran, Jhala­w­an and Koh-i-Sulaiman. Most of them moved either to Turbat or Hub Chowki," she added.