Gaza: Two were killed, including a suicide bomber, and five injured early on Thursday in a suicide bombing attack after an Islamic State (ISIS) member carried out on the borders between southern Gaza Strip and Egypt, security officials said.


Eyad al-Bozzom said in an official statement emailed to reporters that a security incident happened early on Thursday at the borderline between southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah and Egypt, Xinhua new agency reported.

"An interior border security force stopped two persons who approached the borders with Egypt, then one of them blew himself up, where he was killed and the other was wounded," said al-Bozzom.

He added that one of the force's security officers was seriously wounded and was taken to a hospital for urgent medical treatment.

Medical sources said that a border security forces officer died of his wounds and five others moderately injured.

Local sources in Rafah town said the two perpetrators are apparently members in the Islamic State (ISIS) and they were trying to cross the borders with Egypt into the Egyptian Peninsula of Sinai.

It is the first time that such an incident happens on the borderline area between the Hamas-ruled coastal enclave and Egypt.

In recent weeks, and according to security understandings reached between Hamas and Egypt in Cairo in June, the Hamas-run security forces built up a buffer zone on the borders with Egypt to prevent smuggling individuals and goods.