A day after Afghan President Ashraf Ghani said that a recent attack in Kandahar was planned by elements in Pakistan, Islamabad issued a rebuttal and called the allegation baseless.


Kandahar's police commander General Abdul Raziq was killed in an attack which, according to Ghani, was a conspiracy hatched in Pakistan. "I want to say that this conspiracy was plotted in Pakistan. So Pakistan should give us the criminals so that we can bring them to justice,” he was quoted as saying by Tolo News.

On Wednesday, Pakistan's Foreign Office rejected Ghani's allegation. "Pakistan rejects baseless and unfounded allegations regarding the latest Kandahar attacks. No hard evidence or intelligence-related information has been shared to date with Pakistan to substantiate such claims."

Relations between the two neighbours have soured in the recent past with Afghanistan - along with India - accusing Pakistan of harbouring terrorists. Ties have suffered to the extent that even trade and commerce between the two countries have steadily deteriorated. Earlier this year, Ghani had even said Pakistan is Taliban's headquarters.