India on Friday advised Pakistan's top leadership to end harassment and execution of minorities through misuse of the blasphemy law. Exercising the right of reply after Pakistan raised concerns over human rights in Jammu and Kashmir at the 43rd Session of the Human Rights Council here, First Secretary in India's Permanent Mission Vimarsh Aryan said that the international community cannot be misled by Pakistani hysterical reactions at all global forums to malign India.


Here is the full text:

Mr Vice President,

India is exercising its right of reply to Pakistan’s statement under Agenda Item 2.

At the outset, we would like to inform the Council that the situation in Jammu and Kashmir is fast returning to normalcy despite serious attempts by Pakistan to derail the positive developments through its active support to terrorist groups and related entities. Mr Vice President,

India’s time tested democratic institutions are robust and adequate enough to address any challenge including those instigated from outside, in order to safeguard interests of all our citizens including minorities.

The international community cannot be misled by Pakistani hysterical reactions at all international fora to malign India. The world knows about the dismal human rights records of Pakistan and a tight control cannot hide it all. Let us advise Pakistan for its own good and for the peace and prosperity of the South Asian region.

First, end illegal and forcible occupation and reverse the demographic changes in Pakistan occupied Jammu and Kashmir

Second, stop terror funding and dismantle terrorist camps operating in Pakistan and territories under its control

Third, stop public advocacy and support for terrorists by Pakistani leadership at the highest level

Fourth, take structural reforms to develop a semblance of democracy in Pakistan

Fifth, end harassment and execution of minorities through misuse of blasphemy law

Sixth, end forced conversions and marriages of women and girls from Hindu, Sikh and Christian religions

Seven, stop killing and targeting political dissidents and legitimate criticism in Sindh, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Eight, prevent enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings of journalists and human rights activists by its security agencies

Nine, stop religious persecution against Shias, Ahmadiyas, Ismailia and Hazaras

Tenth, stop recruitment of children for terror activities including a suicide bombing in other countries And the list is endless.

Mr Vice President

Blasphemy law against Aasia Bibi, persecution of Abdul Shakoor, an Ahmadiya, Jagjit Kaur, a minor Sikh girl subjected to abduction and forced marriage are the norms of the day for minorities in Pakistan.

As regards OIC, it has no locus standi to comment on the internal affairs of India. Jammu and Kashmir was, is and shall forever remain an integral part of India.

Mr Vice President

As far as Belgium’s comment on NRC is concerned, as a close partner of India, we wish, Belgium could have checked the factual position with us before coming to any conclusion on the issue. Our Prime Minister has clearly said that no discussions have taken place on NRC anywhere except following Supreme court directives in Assam.

Thank You, Mr Vice President.