Bangladesh Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen on Thursday cancelled his visit to India, scheduled from December 12-14, amid violent protests in several parts of India over the Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB) 2019. Momen stated that in the wake of 'increasing demand at home' he had to cancel the visit, news agency ANI quoted him as speaking. He further said that he will attend the next meeting in January 2020, adding that the DG will attend this event.


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"I had to cancel my trip to New Delhi as I have to participate in the 'Buddijibi Debosh' and 'Bijoy Debosh' and more so as our State Minister is out of the country in Madrid and our Foreign Secretary is in The Hague. Given increasing demand at home, I have decided to cancel the visit. However, I am looking forward to attending the next meeting in January. I am sending our DG to attend the event."

Reacting to this development, Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said, "He (Momen) has given his explanation on cancelling his visit. Our relationship is strong. As leaders of both the countries have said, 'this is the golden age of our relations'."