New Delhi: A fresh wave of novel coronavirus infections have been reported from China, health officials fear that the COVID-19 infections will increase in the coming days and the areas affected by the epidemic may continue to expand. 


The commission urged areas that have been affected by the pandemic to adopt an “emergency mode.” The official also urged the public to take the booster shots of the COVID-19 vaccines to reduce the risks of the resurgence of the cases.

The current outbreak in China has been caused by the Delta variant from overseas, Wu Liangyou, an official at the National Health Commission, said at a briefing in Beijing Sunday, Bloomberg reported.  

While, the Global Times on Sunday cited the Health Commission presser - that the latest surge in the cases has been triggered by the new Delta variant. Most of the infections that spread in nearly 11 provinces since October 17 have been found to be due to cross-region tourism activities.

Deputy Director of the NHC, Wu Liangyou said that the epidemiological investigations of the infections, discovered 106 out of 133 infections to be from tourism-related activities.

China has cancelled hundreds of flights, closed schools to stamp out the new COVID-19 outbreak. The Chinese capital are ramping up measures like testing and restricting hotel bookings, according to the National Health Commission.

Meanwhile, Gansu, China`s Northwest province, has announced the suspension of all tourism activities after a surge in the COVID-19 cases in the region, local media reported. Gansu has registered a total of 41 confirmed cases since October 18 till Saturday night. 

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