Donald Trump's love for golf and golf courses has continued quite unabated despite the business magnate becoming the President of the United States. He recently spent his 100th day at the golf course since he became the 45th President of the country.


While he may have criticised past Presidents and his political rivals for spending 'excessive time' on the greens, Trump himself has continued to be a frequent visitor at four golf clubs he owns. In fact, according to a CNN report, the US President has spent close to 25 per cent of his days as President in golf clubs. The report further outlines that Trump has spent 36 days at the Trump International Golf Club, 40 days at his New Jersey course and 23 days in his course in Virginia since becoming President on January 20 of 2017. And since White House does not always reveal the details of his every visit, it is not clear if Trump actually played golf or was merely visiting.

Nonetheless, critics are questioning Trump for choosing to be at golf courses at a time when the country is debating crucial domestic policies like gun laws and healthcare. Many are even invoking his previous comments which slammed other political figures - especially former President Barack Obama - for golfing. Still others say that whether he plays golf at his courses or not, the fact that he makes repeated trips to his personal properties raises suspicion of him trying to increase profits of Trump Organisation.

Interestingly, at a campaign rally in 2016, Trump had told his followers that golf would take a backseat in his list of priorities if he was elected to the White House. "I'm going to be working for you. I'm not going to have time to go play golf," Trump had said. If reports about his golfing his true, that's a promise down a hole in one.