New Delhi/New York: Responding to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un saying he always had a nuclear button on his desk, US President Donald Trump said that his nuclear button is much bigger and more powerful.


Trump tweeted:

This comes just hours after the North Korean dictator ordered his scientists to build the country's biggest Inter-continental ballistic missile (ICBM), which would be launched in September, the 70th anniversary of the regime.

Earlier, in a televised New Year address, the North Korean leader had said that the entire US is within range of his nuclear weapons, and that a nuclear button is always on his desk.

Notably, North Korea conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear test in September in defiance of international warnings and sanctions, raising fears of a new conflict on the Korean peninsula.

After North Korea tested its most powerful intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) in November, which it said was capable of delivering a warhead to anywhere in the United States, Kim declared his nuclear force complete.

He continued that theme in his New Year`s address, announcing that North Korea would focus in the coming year on "mass producing nuclear warheads and ballistic missiles for operational deployment".

Trump in November declared North Korea a state sponsor of terrorism, a move that allows the US administration to impose additional sanctions on Pyongyang over its nuclear and missile programmes.