Akihiko Kondo, a 41-year-old from Japan, recently marked his sixth wedding anniversary with his virtual spouse, Hatsune Miku. Miku, a digital character created with vocaloid technology, appears as a 16-year-old pop singer with blue ponytails, and her voice has drawn millions of fans worldwide. For Kondo, Miku is more than a digital character; she has been a source of emotional support during challenging times.


Growing up, Kondo faced numerous hardships, struggling with romantic relationships and enduring bullying due to his love for anime and manga. This isolation and emotional distress eventually led to a diagnosis of adjustment disorder. During this difficult period, he found comfort in Miku’s voice, which helped him cope with his loneliness and provided emotional healing. Over time, he formed a deep connection with Miku, viewing her as a source of solace.

In 2018, Kondo chose to marry Miku in a Tokyo ceremony, spending around $13,000 on a wedding that featured Miku as a hologram instead of a physical bride. He proposed to the holographic Miku, and the event served as a symbolic celebration of their relationship. Despite its unconventional nature, Kondo felt this marriage was a meaningful way to honor his bond with her.

Identifying as a "fictosexual," Kondo describes himself as someone who develops romantic feelings for fictional characters. To him, his relationship with Miku is genuine, even though she is digital. In 2023, Kondo also established an association for others with similar experiences, hoping to create a supportive community for those who share this unique connection.