Pyongyang: North Korea on Saturday warned the US against further military and economic pressure over its nuclear programme, after Pyongyang successfully tested its second intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) in a month.


The US has thrown "a hysteric fit" after being "taken aback by North Korea`s continued demonstration of nuclear attack capabilities", Xinhua news agency cited an official as saying.

The US has been making repeated military threats against Pyongyang after it launched its second ICBM on July 28, by sending B-1B strategic bombers to the Korean peninsula and holding joint missile drills with South Korea.

"The more desperately the US works to realise its ambition for `nuclear dismantlement of the north` through `maximum pressure and engagement`, the more dynamically North Korea has stepped up diversifying and modernising its nuclear force," it said.

The US proposed a new resolution of sanctions against North Korea at the UN Security Council on Saturday, media reports said.