In yet another bizarre justification for constructing a wall on the US-Mexico border, Donald Trump recently tweeted about a wall that the Obamas have built around their mansion in Washington. "US needs the same thing, slightly larger version," he wrote.


Trump has been advocating the construction of a wall all along the southern border with Mexico to check on illegal immigrants and smugglers. It formed a large part of what he promised during campaigning before the US presidential elections where he had faced off against Hillary Clinton. Despite almost a year since taking oath as the US President, Trump has not moved forward with his promise - barring on Twitter. He does face opposition for his idea, also because there is no funding plan outlined. Nonetheless, he remains adamant on its need - at least on social media. "President and Mrs. Obama built/has a ten foot Wall around their D.C. mansion/compound. I agree, totally necessary for their safety and security. The U.S. needs the same thing, slightly larger version!" he tweeted on Sunday (US time).



Local media channels quickly picked up the tweet and reported that the Obamas indeed had a wall surrounding their recently-purchased house in Kalorama section of Washington. Many, however, quoted strategy experts as saying there is no link - or logic - in connecting a boundary wall around a residential property and a wall along an international border for which Trump wants $5 billion. The Democrats have agreed to $1.6 billion for overall border security and it is this that has led to a partial government shutdown in the US.