Manila: Islamic State (IS)-linked militants were putting up fierce resistance as government forces continued a bloody offensive to retake the southern Philippine city of Marawi, an army commander said on Sunday.


Col. Romeo Brawner expressed hope that the Marawi siege will end "very soon", Xinhua reported.

Brawner said: "We are trying our best (to meet the military`s self-imposed October 15 target), our troops are fighting hard." 

"Until now our troops are still assaulting the defensive positions of the Maute-IS, and despite the fact that we have set today as a target day for finishing the armed conflict, our troops are still pushing hard, fighting hard to meet this target," Brawner said.

He said "the Maute-IS have established very strong defensive positions", adding that the IS fighters were hiding in dugouts and basements of occupied buildings. 

Around 40 Maute fighters were believed to be holed up within a two-hectare area near Lanao Lake in the devastated city, Brawner said. 

He said the militants were using hostages, including women and children, as shield against the government forces. 

Quoting a woman hostage rescued on Saturday, he said: "Even the women and the children are now forced to fight together with the Maute-IS fighters."

"These are desperate measures that Maute-IS are doing because it is like their last defensive stand," Brawner said. 

Brawner said 20 soldiers were wounded in action, including a battalion commander, during a firefight on Saturday. 

He said the troops were using loudspeakers and air-dropping leaflets over the main battle area to encourage the remaining fighters to give up the fight and surrender. 

The war in Marawi, which broke out on May 23, has dragged on for almost five months now. The 145-day conflict has so far claimed the lives of more than 1,000 people, including 813 militants and 162 soldiers and policemen. 

A martial law has been imposed on the entire Mindanao island in southern Philippines till December 31.