New Delhi: In a development that shows global solidarity for the situation in Myanmar, the United Nations Security Council issued a Presidential Statement on Wednesday in which India played a constructive role. The UNSC reiterated "deep concern" about the development in Myanmar while condemning the "violence against peaceful protesters". 


The one-page statement expressed "deep concern" over restrictions against medical personnel, civil society, labor union members, journalists, and media workers and "called for the immediate release of all those detained arbitrarily". This is the first time the UNSC statement has "condemned" the violence in Myanmar.

India's "constructive" engagement was reflected in the UNSC statement and also in line with its previous statement at the United Nations. When it comes to India's policy on Myanmar, it was explicitly mentioned by India's ambassador to the UN, TS Tirumurti at the United Nations General Assembly in February. And while expressing "concerns", the envoy called out for "restoration of democratic order", the release of political detainees, and the development should not impact the repatriation of Rohingya Refugees to the country. 

The UNSC presidential statement builds upon the earlier UNSC press statement of 4th February. The core UN group had met back then, days after the 1st of February bloodless coup. Back then India was widely appreciated for playing an "important" role by being the "bridge" and making sure that there is a balanced approach in the text. In both major conversations at the UN high table, India did not take sides with the Chinese or Russian position. 

Interestingly, immediately after the UNSC statement, the Chinese envoy to United Nation Zhang Jun had issued a statement and parroted the line of Myanmar's military. In the statement on UNSC statement, china said, "Now it's time for de-escalation. It's time for diplomacy. It's time for dialogue". Adding, "the international community should create an enabling environment for relevant parties in Myanmar to address differences under the constitutional and legal framework".

Question is that half the "relevant parties" are the deposed civilian government of the country which is in jail for any "differences" to be addressed. As for the "constitutional or legal" framework, many will see it being violated by Tatmadaw or the armed forces of Myanmar in the first place. Chinese statement was seen as one backsliding on UNSC Presidential statement. The statement also had no mention of the restoration of democracy or the release of detainees, unlike the Indian statement at UNGA.

The US, which is the chair of the UNSC for the month of March also issued a statement commending the "courage and determination" of the "peaceful protestors" in Burma in the "face of continued, brutal attacks by military and security forces.". The US does not recognize "Myanmar" as the official name of the country but refers to it as Burma. Myanmar was the name adopted by the country's military in 1989.