WASHINGTON/BEIJING: US President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping agreed at a virtual meeting to look into the possibility of arms control talks, US national security adviser Jake Sullivan said on Tuesday. Biden and Xi agreed to "look to begin to carry forward discussion on strategic stability," Sullivan said in a reference to U.S. concerns about China`s nuclear and missile buildup.


"You will see at multiple levels an intensification of the engagement to ensure that there are guardrails around this competition so that it doesn`t veer off into conflict," Sullivan said in a Brookings Institution webinar.

Sullivan did not elaborate on what form the discussions on strategic stability could take but went on to say: "That is not the same as what we have in the Russian context with the formal strategic stability dialogue. That is far more mature, has a much deeper history to it. There`s less maturity to that in the US-China relationship, but the two leaders did discuss these issues and it is now incumbent on us to think about the most productive way to carry it forward."

Washington has repeatedly urged China to join it and Russia in a new arms control treaty. Beijing says the arsenals of the other two countries dwarf its own. It says it is ready to conduct bilateral dialogues on strategic security "on the basis of equality and mutual respect." It was the two leaders` most in-depth exchange since Biden took office in January.

Although they spoke for about three-and-a-half hours, the two leaders appeared to do little to narrow differences that have raised fears of an eventual conflict between the two superpowers.

The United States had envisioned the meeting putting stability into a relationship increasingly troubled over a litany of issues, including what Washington views as Beijing`s aggressive actions toward self-ruled Taiwan.

Sullivan said Xi and Biden discussed a broad range of global economic issues, including how the United States and China can work together to ensure world energy supply and price volatility do not imperil the global economic recovery. "The two presidents tasked their teams to coordinate on this issue expeditiously," he said.

In the meeting Biden pressed his Chinese counterpart on human rights and Xi warned that China would respond to provocations on Taiwan. 
A senior US official said in a briefing after the meeting that the U.S. aim was not to ease tensions, nor necessarily was that the result, and there were no breakthroughs to report. 

China`s state media cited unnamed Chinese foreign ministry sources as saying the two sides would ease restrictions on access for journalists from each other`s countries.

The China Daily newspaper said a consensus on journalist visas, among other points, was reached before the virtual meeting.

Officials at the White House and State Department did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the report.

Beijing accused Washington of a "political crackdown" on Chinese journalists after it slashed the number of Chinese nationals allowed to work at U.S. offices of major Chinese state-owned media and limited their authorized stay to 90 days, with an option to extend.

China, already accused internationally of not respecting press freedoms, then expelled U.S. journalists at several U.S. newspapers and introduced new visa restrictions on some U.S. media companies.

Biden, Xi discuss how to 'align' stances on Iran nuke issue

US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping talked about how they might harmonize their positions ahead of the Nov. 29 resumption of indirect US-Iranian talks on reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, a top US official said on Tuesday.

Officials from Iran and the six nations that struck the pact - Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States - will meet in Vienna to see if Tehran and Washington can agree to resume compliance with the deal under which Iran curbed its nuclear program to gain relief from US, EU and UN sanctions.

In 2018 then-President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the pact among the major powers known as the P5+1 and Iran and restored harsh U.S. sanctions, prompting Tehran to begin violating its nuclear restrictions about a year later.

"The two presidents had the chance to talk about how we can align our perspectives heading into that (Nov. 29) meeting so that the P5+1 is united in dealing with Iran and trying to pave the way for a return to the (deal)," White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said in a virtual think tank appearance.

The US-Iranian talks are indirect, with officials from the other nations shuttling between them, because Iran refuses direct contact with US officials.

While China favours reviving the agreement, it has tended to place the onus on the United States, rather than Iran, blaming Washington for having abandoned the deal and giving Tehran an economic lifeline by buying Iranian oil despite US sanctions.

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