New Delhi: India is responsible for giving Yoga to the world and the entire globe today accepts,  follows and preach the marvellous benefits that the practice has to offer for one’s physical and mental well-being.


Zee Media engaged in a conversation with Nouf Marwaai,  the woman responsible for taking Yoga to Saudi Arabia as the country celebrated its first Yoga festival with more than 1000 Yoga enthusiasts, all thanks to her.

On being asked about her motivation to organise a festival purely dedicated to Yoga, Marwaai said, “The idea behind this event was to bring Yogis together and promote its practices as a part of the strategy of our Saudi Yoga Committee.”

Saudi Yoga Committee was an initiative by the Saudi Olympics board under the Ministry of sports to promote the popularity of Yoga in the country.

About the Saudi government’s response and support to the idea of a Yoga festival, Marwaai said, “The leadership in Saudi Arabia is very supportive and encouraging in terms of promoting healthy activities. In fact, health is a key focus area in Saudi govt’s vision 2030.”

Addressing an important notion that people of other religions do not practise Yoga, Marwaai said, “I don’t think there’s anything in Yoga that concerns or has any connection with one’s religion. Of course, Yoga background goes to Vedic philosophy but I don’t believe it’s a conflict of religion.”

“There are many practices in Yoga like Asanas, Meditation and Pranayam that do not conflict with any religions, “ Marwaai added.

The Yoga expert also talked about the Coivd-19 pandemic and the prominence of Yoga in these times.

“Yes, Yoga in fact served as a san escape mechanism for many during the lockdowns as for one, it does not require any equipment or heavy investment and two it has tremendous health benefits,” said Marwaai.

Marwaai’s Yoga event was held in Saudi Arabia at Juman Park in King Abdullah Economic City on Saturday.

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