HARARE: Robert Mugabe resigned as Zimbabwe`s president on Tuesday, shortly after parliament began an impeachment process to end his nearly four decades of rule.


The 93-year old clung on for a week after an army takeover and expulsion from his own ruling ZANU-PF party, which also told him to leave power.

Wild celebrations broke out at a joint sitting of parliament when Speaker Jacob Mudenda announced Mugabe`s resignation and suspended the impeachment procedure.

The origin of Mugabe`s sudden downfall lies in rivalry between members of Zimbabwe`s ruling elite over who will succeed him, rather than popular protests against his rule. 

The army seized power after Mugabe sacked ZANU-PF`s favourite to succeed him, Emmerson Mnangagwa, to smooth a path to the presidency for his wife Grace, 52, known to her critics as "Gucci Grace" for her reputed fondness for luxury shopping.

Mnangagwa, a former security chief known as The Crocodile, is expected to take over as president.