New York: A New York-based woman is currently on trial for allegedly stabbing her pregnant childhood friend on her wedding day and stealing the unborn baby out of her womb in a horrendous crime committed in 2015.


The investigators claim that the woman cut her childhood friend's throat so she couldn't scream before cutting her entire uterus out to steal her baby girl and then dumped the deflated organ on the bathroom floor. 

However, the child miraculously survived.

According to The Sun, 22-year-old Angelikque Sutton, nine months into her pregnancy, was on the way to a courthouse to marry Patrick Bradley when her childhood friend Ashleigh Wade stopped her in the Bronx - the northernmost of the five boroughs of New York City – and stabbed her.

Prosecutors alleged that Wade lured Sutton with the promise of giving her a wedding gift. 

“The defendant cut Sutton’s larynx, her voice box,” Assistant Bronx DA Meredith Holtzman told the jury during the hearing on Monday. 

“Sutton could not scream, could not say a word,” he said.

“What the defendant did to her next is almost unspeakable,” Holtzman alleged as the jury sat in stunned silence.

“After she had rendered Sutton unable to scream, the defendant took a kitchen paring knife and sliced Sutton’s abdomen open,” he claimed.

“Once she had cut Sutton’s abdomen open, the defendant cut Sutton’s uterus entirely out,” the prosecutor continued. “She cut that uterus open, took the baby out, and discarded that uterus on the bathroom floor,” he told the jury members. 

The prosecution further alleged that the accused had pretended to be pregnant for months before the attack.  

Wade later claimed that the child was hers.

Wade has pleaded not guilty before the court. 

If convicted, Wade would end up with a life in prison without the possibility of parole.