London: US President Donald Trump has told British Prime Minister Theresa May in a phone call that he does not want to go ahead with a state visit to Britain if there were large-scale protests.


According to a report by the Guardian, the call was made in recent weeks and the statement surprised May.May invited Trump to Britain seven days after he took office.

She told a joint press conference she had extended an invitation from the Queen to Trump and his wife Melania to make a state visit later in the year and was "delighted that the president has accepted that invitation".

Following the invitation, May faced calls to cancel the visit as opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn warned she will be failing the country if she does not cancel the American President's visit in the wake of his ban on people from seven Muslim-majority countries entering the US.

Trump had been an advocate of Brexit.In April he said, "I think Brexit is very good for the UK, it is going to be very good for UK."