Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday trained his guns at Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Parvesh Verma over the latter's remark calling him a terrorist. Addressing a press conference, Kejriwal asserted that in the last five years, he has arranged quality education for the children in Delhi and made arrangements for medicine and tests for the people, asking if working fo the people make him a terrorist.


"In the last five years, I've considered every child in Delhi like my own and arranged quality education for them, does that make me a terrorist? I made arrangements for medicine and tests for people, does a terrorist do this?" said Kejriwal.

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Speaking on his fight against corruption, Kejriwal said that he has done hunger strike twice despite suffering from diabetes and taking insulin four times a day. He said that doctors had said that he won't live for more than 24 hours, adding that he put his life on the line for the country. The CM also said that despite everything that he did he was harassed, his home and office raided, and cases registered against him.

"I'm a diabetic, I take insulin 4 times a day. If a person with diabetes is on insulin and doesn't eat anything for 3-4 hrs, they collapse and die. In such a situation, I have done hunger strike against corruption twice, once for 15 days and then 10 days. Every doctor said Kejriwal won't live more than 24 hours, I put my life on the line for the country. In the last 5 years they have left no stone unturned in harassing me, raided my home, my office, registered cases against me, how can I be a terrorist?" said Kejriwal.

The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) had on January 29 (Wednesday) filed a complaint with the Chief Electoral Officer of Delhi against Verma, demanding registration of an FIR against Verma for calling Kejriwal a "terrorist".

Earlier, speaking to ANI with reference to the statement in which he called Kejriwal "Natawarlal" and a "terrorist", Verma had said, "I called him Natwarlal because he misguides people. He has made allegations against leaders in the past and had to apologise for the same. So, he has a habit of telling lies. And I called him a Naxal, not a terrorist. I called him so because he is misguiding people and those who are sitting at Shaheen Bagh. He says he is supporting those who are at Shaheen Bagh. So the Delhi Chief Minister is working in a similar way as that of the Naxals. Terrorists also work like this, they misguide people. If you see those who are damaging public property in Delhi they are no less than terrorists," he added. 

The voting for the Delhi Assembly is scheduled to take place on February 8. The counting will begin on February 11.