Bollywood and expensive cars go hand in hand, and recently, multiple celebrities have been seen purchasing brand spankingly new luxury cars. However, the childhood crush of millennials - Raveen Tandon, has some different plans altogether. The Tip Tip Barsa Pani actress is planning to purchase a second-generation Mahindra Thar. She showed her interest in the lifestyle offroader on Twitter. Interestingly, Anand Mahindra, Chairman of Mahindra Group, replied to her tweet by backing her decision with remarks - “Nothing like taking a Thar to a Club Mahindra resort! (A double benefit for @MahindraRise).” Well, the actress’ decision is now Anand Mahindra approved.


In case you are wondering why Anand Mahindra said so, actress Raveen Tandon has recently shot a TVC for Club Mahindra, which was shared by Anand Mahindra on Twitter. In response, the actress revealed her plans to buy the company’s 3-door offroader, and how she learned to drive on a Mahindra Jeep during her college days.

Talking of Mahindra Thar, it is now on sale in its second-gen rendition, and it has a waiting period that extends to around a year. The Thar sports a 3-door layout for now, and a 5-door version is in the making, which will be more practical than the outgoing one. However, it comes fitted with all the bell and whistles, like a touchscreen infotainment unit with satellite navigation, Android Auto and Apple Carplay, along with automatic climate control, power windows, cruise control, multi-function steering wheel, keyless entry, traction control, ABS with EBD, rear parking sensors, dual-front airbags and more.

Also read - Maruti Suzuki sells over 1.60 lakh units, sales up by 26 per cent in August

Engine options for the Mahindra Thar include a 2.0L turbo-petrol and a 2.2L diesel. They can be paired to either a 6-speed MT or a 6-speed AT. Also, the Thar comes standard with a 4x4 drivetrain, comprising a Borg Warner transfer car, low-ratio gearbox, mechanically-locking rear differential, and a brake-locking front axle.