Bajaj Platina 110 ABS has been launched in India with a price of Rs 72,224 (ex-showroom). With this launch, the commuter bike has become the most-affordable Indian bike with Anti-lock brakes (ABS) technology as a standard fitment. Moreover, it is also the first and only bike in the commuter segment to get an ABS system. The addition of ABS in the commuter bike improves the rider's safety, considering the unforeseen braking circumstances faced by the riders.

Bajaj Platina 110: Engine


The new Bajaj Platina 110 ABS receives power from a 115.4 cc, single-cylinder air-cooled engine with fuel injections technology. The engine produces 8.4 bhp revving at 7,000 ROM and 9.81 Nm of peak torque revving at 5,000 RPM. The engine transfers power to the wheel using a 5-speed manual gearbox.

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Bajaj Platina 110: Braking, Hardware

Now focusing on the USP and the hardware of the motorcycle, the bike gets telescopic front forks and dual spring shock absorbers at the rear end. For controlling the speed, the bike has been equipped with a single-channel anti-lock braking system upfront, whereas the rear end gets the drum braking system. This time around, the Indian automaker has made changes in the features of the bike as well. Now, the motorcycle gets a digital instrument cluster displaying loads of information like gear indicator, gear shift indicator, and ABS indicator. 

It is to be noted that as per the government regulations for small two-wheelers, bikes under 125 cc need to have Combi-Braking System (CBS) as standard, while all motorcycles above 125 need to have an ABS system. However, to improve the safety of its bikes, Bajaj is now offering ABS on the Platina.

The Bajaj Platina 110 ABS also gets multiple changes in terms of looks. For instance, the front end features a halogen headlamp with DRL, and the design of the bike has been refreshed with a new glossy appeal. Furthermore, the bike will now be available in multiple colour options like Cocktail Wine Red, Ebony Black, Saffire Blue, and Gloss Pewter Grey.