FairStreet Sports announced opening the ticket sales of the highly-anticipated MotoGP Bharat as Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath unveiled the first ticket of the bike racing event. The tickets for the India’s first-ever global motorcycling event can be purchased on BookMyShow, the official ticketing partner for MotoGP Bharat. The organisers presented the first ticket of the race event to the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, as the race will take place at the Buddh International Circuit in Greater Noida, also the country's first Formula 1 track, where the India edition of the F1 race took place from 2011-2013. 


In order to cater to the mass audience, the lowest denomination of tickets will be from ₹800. The Main Grandstand ticket prices would range between ₹20,000 to ₹30,000 depending on the tier a fan would prefer with a centre stage view. A more plush and exclusive experience can be had with a ticket in the Platinum Corporate Box which is priced at ₹40,000.

As per the organizers, the Chief Minister has been instrumental in paving the way for MotoGP's smooth ride to make its maiden entry into the country, thereby putting Uttar Pradesh and India in a befitting place on the global platform for international motorcycle racing. CM Yogi said he is ‘delighted’ to play host to this historic race which is scheduled to be held at the Buddh International Circuit in Noida from September 22-24.

“MotoGP™ is the world’s biggest, fastest, and oldest bike racing competition. It is a matter of pride and joy that for the first time India will be hosting MotoGP™. This will undoubtedly be a significant and prestigious event for the new Uttar Pradesh of the new India as well as for the entire nation,” the Honourable Chief Minister said.

On behalf of MotoGP, the organisers gifted CM Yogi a helmet of the renowned Italian rider Enea Bastianini. Congratulating the organisers, he further added: “The use of 30% ethanol in the bike used in the competition is commendable. It is helpful in reducing the carbon footprint. Uttar Pradesh is the largest ethanol-producing state in the country. From this point of view, organising this grand event is important.”

Notably, the pre-sales window for the tickets received an overwhelming response with an unprecedented number of registrations, and now with the sales going live, ticket sales are expected to create quite a frenzy in the motorcycling community, loyalists, auto enthusiasts and sporting fraternity of India alike.

“It’s a moment of great pride and exhilaration for us at FairStreet Sports as we open the ticket sales for India’s premier global motorcycling event MotoGP™ Bharat. This event will catapult India on the world map of motorcycling excellence where the world’s best riders and machines compete for supremacy on the tarmac. The race, in more ways than one, is a corroboration of a lot of belief, collective efforts and a latent need for global sports popularity in the ‘New India’ we all are so proud of,” commented Pushkar Nath Srivastava, Chief Operating Officer of FairStreet Sports.

Speaking on the landmark announcement, Chief Sporting Officer of Dorna Sports, Carlos Ezpeleta said: “We are incredibly happy that ticket sales for the Grand Prix of India are opening. I want to thank Honourable Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Shri Yogi Adityanath for his support to this project. India is the biggest motorcycle market in the world and bring a huge potential for the growth of our sport. Having an Indian Grand Prix can only accelerate this and we are committed to giving the fans an incredible experience. Thank you to all Indian MotoGP™ fans!”