Chennai airport is now providing transit passengers with the facility to rest during their journey through the airport. The passengers can now opt to take a rest between the flights at a facility located near the airport terminals; they also have the option of overnight stays.


The resting facility is located inside the Chennai Airport Metro station. The facility is located within walking distance from both the international and domestic terminals of the airport. It is about a 10-minute walk.

The passengers will pay 2,000 (with GST) for a single occupancy accommodation, whereas 2,500 for a double room (sans GST). Those who only want to stay for a few hours can rent a room. With 20 rooms, the occupancy rate is over 80% these days, with many of the bookings coming in through the internet.

Also read: Alert air travellers! Flight ticket prices to touch sky high as jet fuel prices rise exponentially

The lack of signs and promotions regarding such a service for passengers has been a serious flaw. Publicising the resource by placing notices at terminals and airline helpdesks can help.


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