A brief yet hilarious interaction between a man on the internet and the Aviation Ministry of India has grabbed everyone's attention. One of the users on the micro-blogging site Twitter took on the social site to complain about the 'unfair' trade practices being carried out by the e-commerce platform Amazon regarding the sales of the Apple iPad in India. But instead of directing the complaint toward the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, he erroneously tagged the Ministry of Civil Aviation in his post. And to everyone's surprise, his plea was answered via the social media handle of the Ministry of Civil Aviation. However, instead of a usual response, the man got a "savage" reply (in social media terms).


The social media user going by the name Ankur Sharma tweeted a screenshot of the Amazon website showing the price of an Apple iPad Pro. Based on the screenshot, the Apple device was available on the e-commerce website for Rs 67,390 after a discount, while the original price of the gadget was listed to be Rs 1,76,900. Complaining about the issue, Sharma wrote, "iPad Pro 11 inch was never of Rs 1,76,900. @MoCA_GoI pl take action for unfair trade practices."

Probably, Ankur Sharma wanted to tag the Ministry of Consumer Affairs as the matter falls within their authority. Instead, the social media user ended up tagging the Ministry of Civil Aviation to get a response that he probably might not have expected.

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The Aviation Ministry's official Twitter handle responded to the complaint by saying, "We intend to help, but we are busy providing affordable air travel to India." Now, this response of the ministry is going viral on the internet and has got more than eight thousand likes. Meanwhile, the response is humoring a lot of netizens and has been flooded with comments expressing the same. However, there is a faction of social media users who pointed out the bad customer service of airlines operating in India.

One of the social media users commented on the post, saying, "Since it’s not a very serious situation at hand, light humour is appreciated. Isn’t it?" While someone else said, "savage reply." The other faction was represented by a social media user saying, " You guys have increased the fair so much! Even very less flights. What are you even talking about, affordable flights?"