The Mumbai Police has arrested an Italian woman, Paola Perruccio, for creating a ruckus on a Vistara international flight and allegedly walking semi-naked in the aisle of the flight, demanding to upgrade her seat. As per ANI, the woman, who was travelling on a Vistara Abu Dhabi-Mumbai flight insisted on sitting in business class despite having an economy ticket. On being denied for an upgrade, she assaulted the cabin crew, took off some of her clothes and walked up and down the aisle in a partially naked state. According to the Mumbai police, the woman was reportedly in an inebriated state and created a ruckus.


The Sahar Police Station in Mumbai, under which Mumbai Airport jurisdiction falls, received the complaint from the cabin crew of the flight UK 256 and arrested the woman after it landed in Mumbai in the early hours of Monday, January 30, 2023. The flight took off from Abu Dhabi at 2.03 am IST on Monday.

"We confirm that there was an unruly passenger on Vistara flight UK 256 operating from Abu Dhabi to Mumbai on 30 Jan 2023. In view of the continued unruly conduct and violent behaviour, the captain issued a warning card and made a decision to restrain the customer" said Vistara spokesperson.

"The pilot made regular announcements to assure the other customers onboard of their safety and security. In accordance with the guidelines and our stringent SOPs, the security agencies on-ground were informed to take immediate action upon arrival" Vistara spokesperson added.

Vistara spokesperson further stated that the incident was reported to the relevant authorities as per the SOPs, "Vistara stands firm with its zero-tolerance policy against unruly behaviour that endangers the safety, security, and dignity of its customers and staff."

The Mumbai Police has filed a chargesheet against Paola Perruccio for misbehaving midair on the flight and was later given bail by a court. A medical examination was also conducted on the woman before booking her under several sections of the Indian Penal Code. 

Last year Vistara handed over an unruly passenger to London's Heathrow airport authorities after he manhandled and abused crew members during the flight. A Vistara spokesperson said the passenger was detained for investigation on arrival at London Heathrow.