New Delhi: Vidhu Vinod Chopra's directorial, '12th Fail', has made its triumphant return to the silver screens. This has created a wave of excitement in the film industry and among cinephiles. The film, starring the exceptionally talented Vikrant Massey in a leading role, has not only generated a substantial buzz but has also achieved a remarkable milestone at the box office, crossing the 1 crore mark today.


'12th Fail' has hit the bullseye at the box office, netting an impressive 1.1 crore rupees. The film has garnered particular acclaim in the key markets of Delhi, Punjab, Mumbai, and Bangalore where it is emerging as the front runner. For a mid-sized production, this financial performance is nothing short of excellent, showcasing the film's wide appeal and engaging narrative. As word of mouth spreads and positive reviews continue to pour in, theaters are increasing the number of shows to accommodate the growing demand, cementing 12th Fail as a success story in the making.

'12th Fail' has marked a notable return for Vidhu Vinod Chopra, a filmmaker celebrated for his cinematic prowess and distinctive storytelling. The film's release has been met with enthusiasm from fans and critics alike. It showcases the heartwarming and relatable journey of its characters, touching upon themes that resonate with a wide audience.

The film's stellar cast, led by Vikrant Massey, has delivered remarkable performances that are resonating with moviegoers. Massey's portrayal in the lead role has garnered widespread appreciation, with audiences praising his depth of character and emotional authenticity.

'12th Fail', based on a true story, draws from the struggles of the millions of students who attempt the UPSC entrance exam. But at the same time, it goes beyond that one exam and encourages people to not lose heart in the face of failure and to restart. The film, directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra, is now released in cinemas in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada.