New Delhi: Based on Anurag Pathak's best-selling novel, '12th Fail' unfolds the journey of IPS officer Manoj Kumar Sharma and IRS officer Shraddha Joshi. The film is also inspired by millions of true stories of students attempting the world's toughest competitive exam - UPSC. 12th Fail takes an authentic approach, shot in real locations with real students, providing a glimpse into the life of UPSC students, their grit, integrity, determination, and the enduring friendships they develop.


This film is a tribute to all those who view failures as an opportunity to #RESTART and features a high-octane anthem called ‘Restart’ composed by Shantanu Moitra. It has two versions, one written by Swanand Kirkire and the other by Raftaar. 

Talking about the teaser, director Vidhu Vinod Chopra says, “This film stands as a tribute to the honest officers who safeguard our Constitution and the countless students who aspire to follow in their footsteps. If this film inspires even some individuals to strive for honesty and excellence, I would consider it a success.”

Shariq Patel, Chief Business Officer, Zee Studios, added, "12th Fail portrays students' challenges and enduring friendships, showcasing the resilience and authenticity of student life. Under Vidhu Vinod Chopra's direction, it becomes a compelling cinematic journey celebrating the spirit of youth and triumph over adversity."

12th Fail, a Vidhu Vinod Chopra film, is set to release worldwide on 27th October in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam.