New Delhi: Om Raut's much-anticipated film 'Adipurush', starring Prabhas, Kriti Sanon and Saif Ali Khan in the lead role, released in theatres across the country on Friday. The film received a thunderous response from from fans all over the world. Yesterday, the overwhelming rush to book advance tickets for the film caused a leading online ticket-booking site to crash temporarily. While fans are all over the moon and heaping praise on Prabhas' role as 'Raghav' , there are a few who have criticism the film screnplay and direction.


As per India Today report, a man, who reportedly called 'Adipurush' a bad film outside a theatre, was thrashed by Prabhas fans. A video of the incident is going viral on the internet. The website mentions that the film has been subject to massive trolling due to its poor VFX. 

The video has been shared on Reddit with the caption, "Prabhas fans beating up a guy because he gave negative review of Adipurush." The video shows a person speaking into the mic as he gets surrounded by a crowd. Moments later, several people started thrashing him for criticising Prabhas and the film."

Prabhas fans beating up a guy because he gave negative review of Adipurush
by u/humanbeing3333 in BollyBlindsNGossip

A Reddit user wrote, "Just now seen video of the reviewer. He praised Prabhas for 'Bahubhali' but criticised him for 'Adipurush'. Never ever speak the truth in front of mad fans. It applies to cricket, politics, movies etc. Mad fans can't take criticism."

Also Read: Viral Video: 'Hanuman Ji Watching Adipurush' - Fans Excited As Prabhas-Starrer Hit Theatres


'Adipurush' is inspired by the epic Ramayana and will see Prabhas as Raghav (based on Rama), Kriti as Janaki (based on Sita) and Saif as Ravana (Rawan). It's directed by Om Raut, who previously helmed Ajay Devgn-starrer 'Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior'. The film has been simultaneously shot in Hindi and Telugu and dubbed in Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam. It has received a U/A certificate.

Ever since 'Adipurush' has been announced, fans are constantly hailing the pan-India star for his portrayal of Lord Ram. As the trailer of the film has left the netizens going gaga over Prabhas and his magnificent persona, the pan-India star, who enjoys global fandom, is also not leaving any chance to express his gratitude to his fans. 

'Adipurush' is produced by T-Series, Bhushan Kumar and Krishan Kumar, Om Raut, Prasad Sutar, and Rajesh Nair of Retrophiles, Pramod and Vamsi of UV Creations. It released in theatres worldwide on June 16, 2023.