Mumbai: Though the makers of Padmavat (earlier titled Padmavati) haven’t issued an official statement regarding the film’s new release date, latest buzz suggests that the Sanjay Leela Bhansali directorial will hit the screen on January 25! But the date has already been chosen by Akshay Kumar for Padman.


And now that both Padman and Padmavat are releasing on the same day, the Bollywood Box Office can expect a cash windfall. The BO has seen major clashes with two big films releasing on the same day in the past and hence it would be interesting to see which of these two will have an upper hand - who will draw more crowd – Akshay or the trio of Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor?

Akshay, who had opted for a January 25 release much earlier, is least perturbed by the supposed clash.

"It is not about competition, it is a very big day, a big week, so all the films can come. Both the films can release on that day.

"Every film has the right to release whenever they (makers) want, and I am happy for them," he told reporters.

Sonam Kapoor, who plays a pivotal role in Akshay’s Padman said, “It is not announced officially, isn't it? If it is, it is good. There is a need for competition when it comes to films and (it is) high time that the film releases. Good cinema is good cinema, I don't believe in competition. And honestly, I am just happy that the film is releasing, more than anything else, and I hope the film does well. I am pretty sure that there is no official statement from the production house of the film (Padmavati) release.”

(With PTI inputs)

Which film would you pick - Padman or Padmavat or both?

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