Mumbai: Shraddha Kapoor took to Twitter to share a brand new poster of her upcoming film with a word of caution. The pretty actress, who plays the protagonist in the comedy horror film, wrote, "Iss baar aurat ko nahi, desh ke har mard ko uss se khatra hai…aa rahi hai woh aap
sabse milne! (sic)."


Check out the poster which shows Shraddha along with her co-star Rajkummar Rao standing against the backdrop of a moon with a spooky silhouette of a woman imposed on it. Three other characters in the film too get introduced in the poster.

Stree marks Shraddha and Rajkummar's first film together.

Check it out here:

Shraddha has not had a good time at the Box Office in the recent past. Her previous releases -Haseena Parkar, Half Girlfriend and Ok Jaanu - could quite make a mark. However, she has two big films lined up for release - Saaho starring 'Baahubali' Prabhas and Batti Gul Meter Chalu with Shahid Kapoor, with whom she has worked in Vishal Bhardwaj's Haider.

Rajkummar, on the other hand, has critically successful films to his credit. And since his debut with Rann in 2010 and Love Sex Aur Dhokha, has created a niche for himself in the industry. 

It will be interesting to see if Shraddha and Rajkummar succeed in raking in the moolah at the Box Office with Stree.

According to Maddock Film's "Stree is a first of its kind horror comedy based on a ridiculously true phenomenon (sic)."

Directed by Amar Kaushik, the film has been written by Raj & DK. The duo has also jointly produced the film with Dinesh Vijan.

The film also stars Pankaj Tripathi, Aparshakti Khurana and Abhishek Banerjee.

The film is set in the backdrop of a town called Chanderi is slated to hit theatres on August 31, 2018.

The music for the film has been composed by hit-maker duo Sachin-Jigar.