New Delhi: Bollywood stars Shraddha Kapoor and Varun Dhawan's much-anticipated film 'Street Dancer 3D' finally hit the screens on Friday and as per early reviews flowing in on Twitter, it appears that the team has managed to impress the critics as well as the movie-goers. Tweets are mostly in favour of the film and has been termed as "entertaining" and a "must-watch". 


'Street Dancer 3D' explores a dance competition between Indian and Pakistani dancers. Varun Dhawan plays an Indian while Shraddha hails from Pakistan in the film. Apart from the main angle - dance face-offs - 'Street Dancer 3D' rides high on action and emotions. 

Here are the early reviews of 'Street Dancer 3D':

Directed by Remo D'Souza, 'Street Dancer 3D' has been making a lot of buzzes owing to the success of his previous dance-dramas 'ABCD' and 'ABCD 2'. Prabhu Deva and Nora Fatehi also play pivotal roles in the film apart from Shraddha and Varun. The audience will also see familiar faces from reality show 'Dance India Dance' in 'Street Dancer 3D' as Dharmesh Yelande, Punit Pathak, Salman Yusuff Khan, Raghav Juyal and various others star in the film.

'Street Dancer 3D' is touted as the biggest dance movie ever made in the country. 

The music of 'Street Dancer 3D' is also a hit. It features recreated versions of famous songs 'Illegal Weapon', 'Lagdi Lahore Di' and 'Mukkala Muqabla'.

 'Street Dancer 3D' clashed at the box office with Kangana Ranaut's 'Panga', which opened to positive reviews.