Bollywood superstar Sunny Deol is gearing up to make a special appearance at the grand trailer launch of Vanvaas, an upcoming film directed by veteran filmmaker Anil Sharma. Known for his iconic performances in movies like Ghayal, Damini, and the Gadar franchise, Sunny will grace the event as a guest of honor, adding star power to the much-anticipated launch.


An insider source shared, “Sunny Deol will be attending the grand trailer launch of Vanvaas, starring Nana Patekar, Utkarsh Sharma, and Simratt Kaur. His family-like bond with Anil Sharma makes his presence at the event even more special. Fans can look forward to seeing megastars on stage on November 2 in Mumbai.”



Vanvaas promises to be a heartwarming family drama, a rare gem that revives feel-good vibes in modern cinema. The film's songs and teaser have already garnered immense appreciation from audiences, building excitement for the trailer's release.

Backed by Zee Studios, Vanvaas marks the third collaboration between Anil Sharma and Zee Studios after the phenomenal success of Gadar: Ek Prem Katha and Gadar 2. With Nana Patekar, Utkarsh Sharma, and Simratt Kaur in lead roles, the movie aims to replicate the magic of its predecessors.

Written, directed, and produced by Anil Sharma, Vanvaas is set to hit theaters on December 20, 2024. As fans eagerly await its release, the trailer launch is set to create ripples of excitement across the industry.