Jakarta, Nov 04: A top terror suspect will stand trial in Jakarta and face dual charges of involvement in both last year's Bali blasts and the August bombing of the J.W. Marriott Hotel in the capital, police said today. Jhoni Hendrawan, who also goes by the name Idris, was captured in North Sumatra's capital of Medan on June 12 and sent to Bali for questioning over his involvement in the October 12 twin nightclub bombings that killed 202 people, mostly foreign tourists. He was transferred to Jakarta on October 15.

Hendrawan allegedly helped withdraw a large sum of money to fund the blasts and then went to Bali to help survey the designated target of the attacks. "We have completed the interrogation for Hendrawan's role (in the Bali attack) and the Jakarta police took over the questioning for the Marriott probe," said Col. Boy Salamudin, chief of Bali police detectives.

"He will stand trial in Jakarta and the evidence of the Bali case will be merged with the Jakarta one," Salamudin added.

Police said Hendrawan had recruited alleged suicide bomber Asmar Latin Sani, whose body parts were found among the debris of the August 05 Marriott blast that killed 12 people and injured 150. Bureau Report