London, June 08: Rabinder Singh, a leading NRI international and human rights lawyer and co-founder of Cherie Blair's law firm, has launched a blistering attack on the legality of the Iraq war, saying no weapons of mass destruction have been found. Singh argues that the original view of the attorney-general, Lord Goldsmith, that the war was legal is no longer valid because it was based on the need to disarm Saddam. Singh, one of the prominent human rights lawyers in the country and a close colleague of Cherie Blair, was asked to prepare a legal opinion for campaign for nuclear disarmament and other peace groups opposed to the war. The campaign groups will now use Singh's legal opinion to push for a judicial review in the high court. If an action was successful, it could lead to the Prime Minister being prosecuted for war crimes in an action led by his wife's chambers. In a summary of his legal opinion, Singh states: "The allegations made by former members of the cabinet in the recent past, that the evidence of the existence of weapons of mass destruction was exaggerated by the UK and the US prior to the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, call into question the factual foundation for the attorney-general's view that the invasion was lawful in international law. In our view there is therefore a strong case for establishing a judicial inquiry to examine that legal question." Bureau Report