New Delhi: A whopping 80 percent of employees are looking for a job change as poor work-life balance is leading to huge dissatisfaction with job, says a TimesJobs survey.


The findings of the 'Job Satisfaction 2016' survey by TimesJobs.Com revealed that 60 percent employees are not satisfied with their current job, while 80 percent said they are looking to switch jobs.

"The paradigm of job satisfaction has moved from salary optimisation to career optimisation with a healthy work life balance," Times Business Solutions Head of Strategy Nilanjan Roy said.

As per the survey the level of dissatisfaction has increased year-on-year. In 2015, 78 percent employees stated they were happy with their current job, although they were still open to other opportunities.

The report further said of the 60 percent unsatisfied employees, 80 percent belong to the junior level, 60 percent are from the middle level and 40 percent respondents are from the senior level profiles.

"Unfortunately, a lot of India Inc is still concentrating on salary optimisation to increase employee satisfaction. Although a lot of discussions have happened on taking care of holistic career aspirations of employees it is high time definite steps are taken to arrest this dissatisfaction," Roy added.

Among the respondents who claimed to be unsatisfied, 50 percent count poor work-life balance, 30 percent state meaningless work and 20 percent say poor salary as the reason for this dissatisfaction.

Of the respondents who claimed to be satisfied, 45 percent state their work-life balance as the major reason for their job satisfaction. 35 percent attribute a good salary and 20 percent say a good work profile is the reason for their contentment.