New Delhi: The Commerce and Industry Ministry will release next month ranking of states based on improvement in creating an investor-friendly environment.


For this year's ease of doing business ranking, the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) will consider reforms uploaded by states till August 30.

"Next month, we will release the rankings. States are giving tough competition to each other for improving their rankings. They have uploaded about 8,000 different reform measures. DIPP is verifying all and those are being uploaded on the portal," an official of the ministry said.

The official added that the department is also sending certain queries to states.

To improve business environment in the country, the government started the practice of ranking states on their business-friendly initiatives last year.

Gujarat was ranked at the top among states on the ease of doing business index prepared by the World Bank.

This year, the ministry is evaluating states in real time, which means the rankings are dynamic. The evaluation is being done based on 340 parameters as against 91 last year.

After certifying the reform measures, DIPP with help of the World Bank will come out with the final rankings.

As of now, 30 states and union territories have provided details about the reforms initiated by them through the DIPP-managed portal (www.Eodb.Dipp.Gov.In).

The move is expected to help improve India's overall ranking in the World Bank's ease of doing business report, which is expected in mid-October.

Out of 189 economies, India's rank in the World Bank's Doing Business Report 2016 moved up to 130 from 134 in the previous year.

Improvement in these rankings helps attract both domestic and foreign investments.