Zee Media Bureau


New Delhi: Over 50,000 employees of the Income Tax Department will go on a day-long countrywide strike today to protest the delay in promotions and appointments of tax officers in the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT).

The two prominent groups — Income Tax Employees Federation (ITEF) and Income Tax Gazetted Officers’ Association (ITGOA) — represent about 97 percent of the department’s workforce and have already notified the decision to the apex-policy making body of the department, CBDT. The remaining 3 percent work force of the department comprises of officers drawn from the Indian Revenue Service.

The associations said if their demands for timely promotion in cadres and providing required infrastructure is not met, the work of budget collection and taxpayer services are "bound to fail" in the coming days.

Earlier in June, the government asked the tax department to take urgent steps to widen the tax base and add at least 25 lakh new assesses every month during the current financial year 2015-16.

With Agency Inputs