Wentworth, May 23: Colin Montgomerie has caused controversy by luring caddy Steve Rawlinson away from fellow European Tour player Stephen Leaney.
Montgomerie was accused of poaching his current caddy, Andy Prodger, from Phillip Price in similar circumstances a year ago. And on this occasion, Leaney claims he only learned about Rawlinson's switch once Montgomerie had got his man.
"Monty called while Steve was telling me, but obviously they had already arranged it," Leaney revealed. "It was unfortunate that I didn't get to hear about it until the deal was already done.
"I would have preferred Monty to have had the courtesy to call and tell me what was going on."
Rawlinson will start working with Montgomerie after this week's Volvo PGA at Wentworth. And following his opening 69 at the Volvo PGA, the same score as Leaney, Montgomerie said he would apologise if Leaney wanted him to, but did not feel it necessary.

"It's always difficult - there's never a good way of dealing with this situation," he said. "I felt I did the right thing. There's no point in me talking to Stephen without knowing that the caddy wanted to work for me."

Explaining the reason for his decision to split with Prodger, Montgomerie added: "I just wanted a change. Andy's a lovely bloke and one of the best caddies out there.

"But Stevie's a character and we've always got on well on the range. "I did my homework and I feel he is the best guy for me right now."

Prodger, who helped Nick Faldo to two major victories, declined to comment.

Bureau Report