Ahmedabad, July 11: Police have arrested the driver of Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty from Mumbai in the alleged extortion case filed against her parents by a Surat-based businessman, officials said here today. A team of Surat police led by Inspector B V Ramani arrested Dilip Rajaram Palsekar late last night and have brought him to Surat city for interrogation. Palsekar is suspected to be one of the middlemen in communicating between the Malaysia-based underworld gangster Fazlu Rehman and the father of the Bollywood actress for extorting money to the tune of Rs 80 lakhs from the owners of Prafull sarees, for which Shilpa had modelled earlier.
Palsekar was also brought to Surat twice earlier for interrogation but this time he was arrested in the case. Police had earlier arrested Dinesh Shetty, another middleman, from Mumbai in the same connection.
Shilpa's father Surendra Shetty was released on bail last week while hearing for her mother, Sunanda Shetty's anticipatory bail will come up on July 17.
Police had also arrested a Chembur-based hotelier Padmanabhan Kotiyan in this connection. Bureau Report