Kohima, Aug 09: The NSCN(K) has said it would start political dialogue with New Delhi only after taking into consideration the views and opinions of all sections of Naga society. "We have to do a lot of homework before negotiating with the Government of India," NSCN (K) General Secretary Kito Kitovi Zhimomi told a local English daily published today. His organisation, Zhimomi said favoured forming a 'United Naga National Council' comprising All Naga groups as mooted by the Naga National Council, the oldest underground organisation in the region. Asserting that unless the Naga people were united and unanimous on what should be negotiated with the government of India, Zhimoni said there was no point in holding talks.
NNC, which authored the Naga political struggle in the late forties, yesterday announced that it would soon meet leaders of various underground groups anywhere in the world without any pre-condition with a mission to bring them on a common platform.
Bureau Report