Port Blair, Jan 20: Before leaving for Delhi after completion of his four-day visit, Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee, told mediamen that Pakistan is the epicentre of terrorist activities. He said, “Pakistan is a member of international coalition formed to fight against terrorism, but it is Pakistan where the terrorists are gathering." Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee also voiced concern that no action was being taken against Pakistan and urged the international community to put a stop to this.

Vajpayee made these remarks when asked to comment on Pakistan President General Pervez Musharraf`s statement that Pakistan would be the international community`s next target for war against terrorists after the Iraqi crisis. "They (Pakistan) have contacts with terrorists in other parts of the globe and yet there is no action taken against them. We would request our friends in the international arenas to put a stop to the increasing terrorism through Pakistan," he said. Bureau Report