New Delhi: Mahindra Group chairman Anand Mahindra has tried a few steps to learn the award-winning song ‘Naatu Naatu’ with the popular Telugu actor Ram Charan in the event of Hyderabad Prix. Mahindra shared the video of him getting lessons with the RRR movie’s lead actor Ram Charan during the event. He even thanked Charan for giving the lessons of the basic steps and gave the good wishes for the Oscars.

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“Well apart from the race, one real bonus at the #HyderabadEPrix was getting lessons from @AlwaysRamCharan on the basic #NaatuNaatu steps. Thank you and good luck at the Oscars, my friend!” Mahindra tweeted.

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Replying on the post, Ram Charan said Anand Mahindra got the move faster than him and was super fun interaction. He even thanked Anand Mahindra for best of luck wishes to RRR team.

Anand Mahindra attended HyderabadE Prix Event which was a racing event organised by Mahindra Group. 

On January 10, 2023, RRR Movie’s song ‘Naatu Naatu’ had won the Golden Globes Award in the Best Original song – Motion Picture category. This was the first of India that ever happened in the award history. The popularity of the song has risen after winning the 80th Golden Globes Award, which was composed by MM Keeravani and sung by Rahul Sipligunj and Kaala Bhairava.