New Delhi: Even as the Modi government is leaving no stones unturn to fight against corruption especially by means of the demonetisation move, 27 bank officials have been reportedly suspended due to violative activities related to it.


According to an official statement from the Finance Ministry, 27 officials of various PSBs have been suspended and 6 officials transferred for involving in transactions violative of RBI instructions related to demonetisation.

"Some cases have come to notice of officials involved in carrying out transactions which were irregular and violative of Resrve Bank of India`s instructions," the Finance Ministry said in a statement.

"Action has been taken in such cases and 27 officials of various public sector banks have been placed under suspension and six officials have been transferred to non-sensitive posts," the statement said.

While all efforts are being made to facilitate genuine transactions, illegalities will not be tolerated and appropriate action will be taken against individuals involved in irregular and unauthorised activities, it said.

The ministry also lauded the long hours of work put in by bank officials in managing transactions, after the demonetisation of Rs 500/1,000 notes was announced from November 8 midnight.