Indian fast bowler Deepak Chahar's wife Jaya Bhardwaj has been reportedly duped of Rs 10 lakh by two men from Hyderabad. The Chahar family lodged a police complaint after the duo refused to return the money they had taken in pretext of doing business. Deepak's father Lokendra Chahar filed a FIR at Hari Parvat police station in Agra. The FIR reads that when the Chahar family asked them to return the money, they sent death threats to them. The two men who are accused in this case are Dhruv Pareek and Kamlesh Pareek, as per a report. One of them reportedly was also an official at Hyderabad Cricket Association (HCA). 


Also Read | Jaya Bhardwaj sends LOVE after husband Deepak Chahar's good show: Know all about GORGEOUS couple, in PICS

The accused took the money from Jaya on October 7, 2022 and have not returned the amount yet. 

Deepak and Jaya tied the knot last year in Agra. The India pacer plays for Chennai Super Kings in IPL. He had proposed Jaya during after a IPL 2021 match in the stands of the stadium. The video had gone viral instantly on social media. The lovebirds decided to tie the knot on June 2, 2022. "When I met you first time I felt that you are the one and I was right . We have enjoyed every moment of our life together and I promise you to keep you always happy like this. One of the best moment of my life. Everyone pls give your blessings to us ," Chahar had written on Instagram after his wedding with the love of his life.

Chahar is looking to make a comeback to the national side. After he was ruled out of IPL 2022 due to a back injury, Chahar has lost his rhythm. Even when he made India comeback, he looked far from his best. With Mohammed Siraj, Arshdeep Singh and Umran Malil bowling well, making a comeback now seems even more difficult.