London: The Indian cricket team were on Saturday forced to delay their training schedule by an hour due to an accident that took place near their hotel leading to a particular road being blocked for some time.


The Indian team is staying at a five-star facility in the upmarket High Street Kensington Area. They were scheduled to arrive for practice at the Oval from 10 am (local time) but only arrived after 11 am.

It was learnt that the team left for ground at their scheduled time but after a certain distance, the road was cordoned off.

"There was an accident a few metres from where our bus was stopped. We saw a badly damaged car at the site. The security officials advised us to return back to hotel. That route was the shortest to the stadium," a team source told PTI.

The team took a detour and it took longer than usual to come through different route. The net session started at around 11:15 am.