After BCCI sold TV and digital rights at a cumulative price of Rs 48,390.32 crores for a five-year period from 2023 to 2027, BCCI president Sourav Ganguly has said that while IPL's brand is growing, the focus remains on the talent in the country and not the money. In a press release issues by BCCI, its president said that e-auction of the IPL shows how strong the sport of cricket has become in the country. He said that the growing numbers should become the biggest motivation for young cricketers in the country who should work hard and take the Team India to the highest level.    


Ganguly also said that IPL's growing popularity is also due to the result of people's immense faith in BCCI. "IPL’s growth story and its phenomenal rise in the sporting world is a result of people’s immense faith and belief in the BCCI leadership and its workforce to keep on delivering under all adversities. I am sure with the constant support of everyone in the eco-system we will be able to take brand IPL to new heights on the global sports stage," added Ganguly.

BCCI secretary Jay Shah said that the whole idea behind IPL is to balance cricket and commercial interests. He said that BCCI is committed to developing sports in the country through cricket.

"The money we generate through media rights will ultimately benefit grassroots cricket in India and that is what ultimately matters. The BCCI is also committed to launching the Women’s IPL in 2023 apart from creating maximum opportunities for the growth of women’s cricket in the country. In BCCI’s attempt to ensure that sports should travel beyond cricket, it is also setting up indoor sports academies in the Northeast and stadiums in select locations to promote sports in every nook and corner of the country. The BCCI will also build a resource pool to provide pension and financial aid to former players and widows of cricketers," said Shah.