New Delhi: One of the most important Hindu festivals-Ganesh Chaturthi is around the corner. The festival is celebrated across India with aplomb to honour Lord Ganesha. The devotees welcome their favourite deity home, but not many people know that sighting of the moon on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi is a bad omen.


People refrain from looking at the moon on Ganesha Chaturthi to avoid Mithya Dosha.

What is Mithya Dosha?

Mitha Dosha is a curse that could falsely implicate a person of stealing something.

What led to Mithya Dosha?

As per the legends, when Lord Ganesha was returning home along with his Vahana ( a mooshak or a mouse) on a moonlit night on Chaturthi in the Bhadrapada month, the Moon God poked fun at the Lord's round belly and his vahana. Miffed with the Moon God for laughing at him, Lord Ganesha cursed him by saying that his light would never fall on earth.

Fearing that he would lose his existence, the Moon God apologised, but since Ganesha had already cursed him, he wouldn't repeal it entirely. Hence, he said that sighting the moon on Chaturthi would be as good as a curse.

According to a Legend, Shri Krishna too suffered from the effects of Mithya Dosha after he saw the moon on Chaturthi. He was accused of stealing precious gem Syamantaka. Sage Narada, who knew about Lord Ganesha's curse asked Shri Krishna to observe a fast to come out unaffected.

What can one do if they end up accidentally looking at the Moon?

Chant this Mantra to get rid of the Mithya Dosha:
सिंहः प्रसेनमवधीत्सिंहो जाम्बवता हतः। 
सुकुमारक मारोदीस्तव ह्येष स्यमन्तकः॥

Simhah Prasenamavadhitsimho Jambavata Hatah। 
Sukumaraka Marodistava Hyesha Syamantakah॥