New Delhi: The most significant and widely celebrated festival in the Eastern part of the country—Rath Yatra commenced this year on July 4. the 15-day long chariot festival attracts an ocean of devotees who throng the temple town of Puri in Odisha, Bhubaneswar to get a glimpse of the Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra and Devi Subhadra respectively.


There are various legends and folklores associated with the festival. Ever wondered while looking at the chariots of the temple idols that why there is a stark difference amongst the three.

The three chariots carrying Lord Jagannath, brother Balabhadra and sister Subhadra are different in size and other detailing.

-Lord Jagannath's chariot Nandighosa is adorned with a red and yellow robe.

- Lord Balabhadra's rath has red and blue colours.

- Devi Subhadra's rath is dressed up in red and black colour robe.

- Lord Jagannath's chariot is the tallest with 45'-6'' feet, while Shree Balabhadra's 45 feet and that of Devi Subhadra is 44'-6'' feet.

- Lord Jagannath's rath has 4 white horses, Shree Balabhadra's has 4 black horses and Devi Subhadra's has 4 red horses.

Notice these intricacies, the next time you bow your down in obeisance to the Lord.

Jai Jagannath!