
This week brings good luck, surprises and forward movement in your love life. Changes around you now seem to be for the better. Differences and problems get resolved. You may feel that luck is on your side in your love relationship. You may have a choice to make between two jobs or career paths. Consider all the facts before making any decision. Make sure that you are wise with finances.



If you want the relationship to move forward, you or your partner must let go of and forgive past mistakes. An old friend or ex may reappear. You may have a crucial decision to make. Use your intellect & intuition both to conclude. At work, there will be competition, but you must hold your position and not give up. There will be a lack of agreement, and people around you at work will have strong opinions. Watch your expenses.


You will be feeling happy and positive this week. People around you will be kind & friendly; some good news is coming your way. If you are in a relationship, there will be an opportunity for you & your partner to bring happiness & contentment to your relationship. At work, there will be new opportunities, promotions & recognition. You will receive good news related to money and finances. It is a favourable time to begin a new creative venture, project or job you are passionate about.


A great time for couples. Indulge a little and treat yourselves. At this time, if you start something new or begin a new venture with your partner, it will reap profits and bring material gains. Projects will be completed, and you will receive the recognition you deserve. You will reach a point where you will start enjoying the fruits of your hard work and efforts. Finances will be looking good, and money is coming your way.


You may have a choice in love- between lovers, work or love, family or love. Your love interest may express their love but may not be ready to commit. You will be full of enthusiasm and energy and ready to put your plan into action. Projects will gain momentum but don’t be hasty in making career-led decisions. Financially, money is coming in but watch your expenses.


You may feel fatigued, but don’t give up now. If you have worked hard, your efforts will pay. There may be some cash problems, so spend wisely and guard your money and valuables. If work has been demanding, use your energy wisely, and plan carefully. You are dedicated and committed to your relationship. Your efforts in your relationship have helped it grow and move forward. You will be working hard towards achieving a financially secure and stable future for your family.


Success and accomplishment of goals are indicated. Your hard work will pay off, and you will achieve great status in your field of profession. You will enjoy good social status. Finances will be stable, and it is a good time to invest. Some blockage and negative thoughts may push you back and stop you from moving forward. You may experience occasional unhappiness in relationships, insecurities, and anxiety. Allow yourself to rest, and talk to those closest to you.


There is financial growth, investment opportunity and progress. Pay attention to practical details and set realistic goals. Money is coming your way as a bonus or promotion, but you will have to put in more effort and work harder. To overcome difficulties and differences in your relationship, do whatever is necessary to make it work and don’t give up hope. You must stay positive and involved with your partner to resolve any issues.


You may have career choices- one option may seem more appealing or easier, but you must choose based on your long-term future. If you are considering a business partnership, then it will be mutually beneficial. Financially, it is a good time. Don’t try to do things alone. Relationships will be cordial, and there will be a better understanding of people. Your best friend will play an important part and positively influence your life.


Follow a moderate approach, avoiding any extremes in both love and work. Emotional and physical healing and reconciliation in any area of life are also on the cards. There will be an equal give and take of emotions & feelings. In your career or work, good things are coming your way. Nurture your talents through skill acquisition through a course or a study group. Accomplish a task or a project in a team or group. You will likely get good advice and guidance from a senior at your workplace.


You and your partner will stay connected on an intellectual and emotional level. You will push and motivate each other to be a better version of yourselves. It’s time to give attention to your partner and make the first move. There will be a strong urge for material possessions and financial stability, even if it is at the cost of your emotions. This card says that do not get too busy holding onto your wealth & achievements that you cut yourself off from the rest of the world.


There will be progress in your relationship, and exciting times for you & your partner are foreseen. Your relationship will move forward quickly, with both of you taking equal initiative. If you are single, you are likely to meet someone. You will achieve your targets, and there may be uncertainty in the workplace. Do not share your plans with others; keep your cards close to your chest. There are chances of people going against you. With colleagues, avoid negativity or any unnecessary confrontations. 

(These Tarot Card predictions are by Chhavi Upadhyay, who is a Delhi–based, intuitive Tarot Practitioner  & Consultant)