
Material and earthly aspects are set to improve. Money is coming your way in the form of a bonus or promotion. It is an excellent time to make a long term investment. You may not have time for a relationship or intimacy this week. You will spend so much time in your head that little will be left for your heart. Some friction in the home environment is foreseen.



You will be leaving an unhappy or stressful situation or relationship to move towards something that offers satisfaction and contentment. An emotional struggle is about to end, and it’s time for your relationship to progress. A painful relationship may end. There will be a job offer, or you may be given a more prominent role in the organisation that translates into a promotion or bonus. There is prosperity, windfall gains or new business opportunities.


Take control of situations involving money, investments & finances. Your emotions may be influencing your financial decisions. You will be supportive of your colleagues. Use your creativity and intuition to further your career. There will be trust, loyalty, and intimacy. You will feel a sense of balance & security in your relationship. For singles, a new partner may enter your life. Those in an established relationship may focus on practical matters and future planning. 


There will be happiness and commitment in your relationship. For singles, it’s a great time to meet someone and take the relationship forward. This week marks the start of a new journey, career or project. Success is within reach, provided you are willing to invest the energy necessary to succeed. There could be a promotion, bonus or a new job. Finances will improve but do not overspend.


A negative attitude may be affecting your work or position in the organisation. Your current job may not be giving you the satisfaction you seek. Think for yourself in financial matters rather than relying on others. Avoid making any investments at this point. However, there is commitment and balance in relationships and domestic affairs on the domestic front. Now you can feel the joy and happiness that you truly deserve. You will see your relationship moving to the next level, such as commitment, marriage or starting a family.


You may be in for some disappointment in your personal life if you want everything to happen the way you want. Rekindling your love life is much needed if you're strengthening the bonds with your partner. Your projects will progress, and there will be financial stability. You will witness the fruits of your hard work and efforts. There will be sufficient resources to spend on yourself and support others.


There could be betrayal & disloyalty in relationships. You may feel deeply hurt and disheartened because of others’ bitter words, actions, and behaviour. Separation or the breakup of a significant relationship is indicated. Good fortune in teamwork and partnership is indicated, and you will profit from getting into an alliance or joint venture in business. Financially, it is a good time.


Your relationship will move forward in a sweet and meaningful way. Singles have the chance of meeting someone and fall in love. You could expect some good romantic news like a marriage proposal. Your efforts and hard work will pay off, and there is a possibility of financial rewards like bonuses or promotions. You will have the resources to splurge occasionally and help others. Some investments are also indicated and will fetch good returns.


It's time to express yourself fully and tell the world what you are capable of. You have the acumen to make some money through your creative endeavours. Your ideas will flourish, and you will have the strength to execute your plans. You will enjoy a strong bond with your partner, and there will be happiness and contentment. Marriage is on the cards for some. There will be rejuvenation from a state of turmoil, and opposing forces will clear. 


Whether you are single or married, too much is going on in your life right now. You will be trying to balance your life and perhaps please your partner. You are advised not to decide about love or marriage this week. You will be fierce and strong-willed towards achieving your goal. This week marks the start of a new idea, a project that could prove profitable. Obstacles will get removed, and success is on its way.


There could be the beginning of a new relationship, promotion, a new job or the start of a new project. It’s the start of something awesome. It is an exciting time for those in love. Couples will find themselves spending time together. Singles will be excited about the idea of meeting new people. The cards foresee professional growth; you can expect a promotion or a bonus. You will be successful in a project or a business venture.


Your love life is going through a change. It could mean the end of a relationship or completing a significant phase and moving into another. Singles may welcome love into their life. You will enjoy an emotionally fulfilling time with your family and loved ones. The relationship with your partner will be loving and fulfilling. 

(These Tarot Card predictions are by Chhavi Upadhyay, who is a Delhi–based, intuitive Tarot Practitioner  & Consultant)